The Equality Act

On March 13, Nancy Pelosi introduced The Equality Act to the House of Representatives.

As someone who has often stated that the Civil Rights Act, Title VII, should also include language about fashion orientation, this is something I am following because the fashion revolution will need to follow and learn from the GLBTCQ revolution to be successful.

Honestly, I thought something like the Equality Act had already passed because employers I knew had already clarified that they are against discrimination based on sexual orientation. However, it is important to clarify that the Equality Act also includes sex and gender identity. But it is more for the transgendered community than for the female community.

This is a controversial act depending on which side of the aisle one is on. Putting names and politics aside for the sake of critical thinking, there is much to consider without glossing over whoever is villianized or made the hero.

Those who argue that men will use public restrooms to molest wimmin are the same people who argue that people most likely to perpetrate sexual abuse are strangers or that most accidents occur far from home. The opposite is statistically true in all instances. The intention here are not always said to be “mean,” and feel free to ignore the amygdala here that whispers hate-fueled nothings in your ear.

On one hand, some argue, this is a giant leap forward for transgendered people, many of whom are close friends. On the other hand, others argue, this is a giant leap backward for feminism, and I am a womyn. (I am closer to third wave feminism for those who are wondering.) I think it’s a real shame that transgender rights and wimmin’s rights so often clash. And I fully anticipate, hope, and expect for a leader of the trans community to have a sound discussion with a leader of the female community to hash these issues out, perhaps in a political arena where laws are passed.

There’s also mention of the fact that transgender rights could potentially step on the toes of religious rights, with everyone focusing on who has more of the right rather than how we can make this win-win.

For those who wish to read it, you can find the full text (primary source) here:

There are no easy answers, as the road to heaven has not always been paved with good intentions. All I can say is, “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster/And treat those two impostors just the same […] you’ll be a [Wo]Man, my son!

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